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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: The Origins Of Concepts - 28/11/2010 06:26

Most of us use the terms success and happiness without having a clue what they really are and where they come from. We talk about them as if they are a condition or commodity that we can purchase or trade. We think they come from material wealth, satisfying relationships, all things that produce pleasure, other people and of course things. But are success and happiness even real? Have any of us ever been successful and happy all the time? Is that even possible? Just what are these things we call success and happiness and do we have any control over them?Wholesales Christian Louboutin Boots The majority of us have lost our way regarding the levels of conscious awareness, for example; how many of us are aware of the fact that we are able to experience life directly in the here and now, where and when we are breathing, seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling the phenomenon and sensations of the ever changing processes of life and the transformation of energy?Cheap Christian Louboutin Sandals Who has the time to get down with that in this complicated world? Mostly we rely on one of our strategies for dealing with this complicated world, we create a mental representation of reality with our ability to conceptualize using the abstract capabilities of our mind. It is easier to manipulate such a Christian Louboutin Pumps

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: and in the world - 29/11/2010 05:04

Taking a moment to catch your breath, hold your tongue, and remember your true values may just circumvent an event that may cause hurt feelings, embarrassment, and lingering regret. Wholesales Christian Louboutin Boots Instead of participating in an escalating battle of wills or engaging in complaints, gossip, or impatience, he focused on his desire to be the change that he always wanted to experience in his family dynamics. He kept his sites set on achieving a supportive, loving, peaceful group experience that would create fond memories for everyone, while encouraging the development of positive goals for the younger members of the family.Cheap Christian Louboutin Sandals Dean reported that the results were better than he had hoped. While clashes and tempers were occasionally evident, the situations were typically resolved much more quickly with little or no lasting damage sustained to the relationships. He realized a shift was possible, with the influence of only one person turning potentially negative energy into an agreeable result. As an unsung hero, Dean could be internally proud and satisfied that he had taken the initiative to be the change that he wished for in his family…design Christian Louboutin Pumps

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: There are no guarantees in life - 01/12/2010 03:00

You don't really know where a road will lead you until you take it. There isn't any guarantees. This is one of the most important things that you need to realize about life and the choices you will make. Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time will always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned from the other person. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. There are too many possible outcomes, which you really can't control. The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make, and how you will act and react to different Christian Louboutin Pumps Had you known that you were making a wrong decision, would you have gone along with it? Perhaps not, why would you choose a certain path when you know it would get you lost? Why make a certain decision if you knew from the very beginning that it isn't the right one. It's only after you have made a decision and reflected on it that you can realize its soundness.Cheap Christian Louboutin Sandals If the consequences or outcomes are good for you, then you have decided correctly. Otherwise, your decision was wrong.Wholesales Christian Louboutin Boots

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: I hope you enjoy them and find them useful - 02/12/2010 04:16

Have you noticed that in life, there will always be people who lie, cheat, abuse, manipulate and steal? Before you enter into any relationship with someone, be it personal or business; make sure you do your own due diligence. Take responsibility for who you give your heart to or who you enter into business with. Do some research and ask the right questions.Wholesales Christian Louboutin Boots You are not helping anyone if you say Yes when you would rather say NO! Chances are if you say Yes when you mean No, you will fill yourself up with resentment. Stand in your power, speak your truth and heal yourself from the disease to please!Cheap Christian Louboutin Sandals Until you realise that not everyone has your best Interests at heart, you will not be able to protect yourself. Take steps to be responsible and caring towards yourself. Establish healthy boundaries and ask yourself ‘What would I need to put in place in order to look after myself in this situation?’design Christian Louboutin Pumps